about me


Hello there my name is Eriko!

I am a Tokyo based bilingual (Japanese and English, also little bit Swedish) photographer who previously has worked as a cabin crew based in Dubai. That job showed me the world and taught me how to listen to, understand and then connect with people from different parts of the globe.

Thanks to inspiring advice from people I met along my journeys, one day I decided to follow my heart and dreams and left the desert. I learned professional photography and studio lighting techniques at a school in Tokyo afterward. With few years of working experience with architecture, interior photography now I became a freelance photographer focuses on portraits - which gives me the biggest joy as that combines meeting people + photography!


What I enjoy other than taking photos:
Searching for good coffee shops, Planning trips, Making my toddler happy and Clearing my mind - yoga works best for me.

Favorite destinations:
Japan - Okinawa, Hokkaido, Kyoto and many more.
Abroad: Scandinavian countries, Italy and Hawaii!

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